Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It seems that it is easier to see the negative in others instead of the beauty. I wonder why that is. More importantly, why is it that way?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Searching for Beauty

I've been thinking about beauty lately. I'm may begin a quest for beauty - not just physical beauty, in fact, that is the lowest priority on my quest. I want to be a person who sees the beauty in my surroundings, my situations, and other people. I want to develop a beautiful personality filled with the fruits of the Spirit. And yes, of course, I wouldn't mind being physically beautiful, but I wouldn't be surprised to see if that doesn't increase on its own as I focus on the greater things.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Apparently time tells this: I'm not a very regular blogger. At this rate, I should have 5 whole posts in just under 4 years. How cool am I?